Serverless computing is a revolutionary approach to cloud computing that allows developers to focus solely on writing and deploying code without having to manage server infrastructure.In a traditional server-based model, developers need to consider and manage the servers that will run their applications.However, with serverless computing, developers can deploy their code as self-contained functions or services that are automatically run and scaled.This enables them to build and deploy applications quickly, without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.Several frameworks have emerged to facilitate serverless computing, including AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Microsoft Azure Functions. One notable framework is Knative, which builds upon the concepts of serverless computing and provides additional features and functionalities.In the following blog, we will delve deeper into Knative.

Knative is an open source platform built on top of Kubernetes to facilitate the deployment, scaling, and management of serverless workloads.It was initially released in the open-source world by Google in 2014 and has since been contributed to by over 50 companies including IBM, Red Hat and SAP.

Knative aims to simplify Kubernetes adoption for serverless computing.It provides best practices to streamline deploying container-based serverless applications on Kubernetes clusters.This enables developers to focus on writing code without worrying about infrastructure concerns like auto-scaling, routing, monitoring etc.

Knative serves as a Kubernetes extension by providing tools and abstractions that make it easier to deploy and manage containerized workloads natively on Kubernetes.Over the years, usage of containers in software development has increased rapidly.Knative enhances the developer experience on Kubernetes by packaging code into containers and managing their execution.

Knative has three main components that provide the core functionality for deploying and running serverless workloads on Kubernetes:

1. Build : Link to heading

The Knative Build component automates the process of converting source code into containers.The build component can convert publicly accessible source codes into containers.In this mode, Knative is not only flexible, but can be configured to meet specific requirements.It also supports various build strategies and can automatically rebuild and update images when the source code changes.

2. Serving : Link to heading

This component focuses on the development and scaling of stateless applications known as “services”. Knative Serving utilizes a set of Kubernets called Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs).These resources are used to define and control how the serverless workload behaves in the cluster.

Figure 1: The primary Knative Serving resources are Services, Routes, Configurations, and Revisions

Figure 1: The primary Knative Serving resources are Services, Routes, Configurations, and Revisions

The main resources of Knative Serving are Services, Routes, Configurations, and Revisions:

Services: Autonomously manages the entire lifecycle of the workload. Controls the creation of other objects to ensure that the application has a Route,a Configuration,and a Revision .

Routes: Corresponds to an endpoint of the network or to several revisions.

Configurations: Maintains the desired state for the application.Modifying the configuration creates a new revision.

Revisions: It is a snapshot (at a specific moment) of the code and Configurations for each modification made to the workload.Revisions are immutable objects and can be persisted as long as they are useful.

3. Eventing : Link to heading

Eventing describes the functionality of Knative that allows it to define the behavior of a container based on specific events. That is, different events can trigger specific container-based operations.

Now let’s see how to install knative in a k8s cluster!

Installing Knative Serving Link to heading


  • We need to install kubectl.
  • A Kubernetes cluster is required for the installation.(we tested this on Kubernetes v1.24.)
  • For the Kubernetes cluster, ensure it has access to the internet.

Let’s start !

First install brew to your system.

  1. Run the update commands
1sudo apt update
1sudo apt-get install build-essential
  1. Install Git
1sudo apt install git -y
  1. Run Homebrew installation script
1/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Add Homebrew to your PATH
1(echo; echo 'eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /home/$USER/.bashrc
2eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
  1. Check system for potential problems
1brew doctor

Verifying image signatures

  1. Install cosign and jq.

For cosign:

1brew install cosign

and check the version with command: cosign version


 1ubuntuVM:~$ cosign version
 2  ______   ______        _______. __    _______ .__   __.
 3 /      | /  __  \      /       ||  |  /  _____||  \ |  |
 4|  ,----'|  |  |  |    |   (----`|  | |  |  __  |   \|  |
 5|  |     |  |  |  |     \   \    |  | |  | |_ | |  . `  |
 6|  `----.|  `--'  | .----)   |   |  | |  |__| | |  |\   |
 7 \______| \______/  |_______/    |__|  \______| |__| \__|
 8cosign: A tool for Container Signing, Verification and Storage in an OCI registry.
10GitVersion:    2.2.0
11GitCommit:     546f1c5b91ef58d6b034a402d0211d980184a0e5
12GitTreeState:  "clean"
13BuildDate:     2023-08-31T18:52:52Z
14GoVersion:     go1.21.0
15Compiler:      gc
16Platform:      linux/amd64

For jq:

1sudo apt-get install jq -y

and check the version with: jq --version


1ubuntuVM:~$ jq --version
  1. Extract the images from a manifeset and verify the signatures.
1curl -sSL \
2  | grep '' | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq \
3  | xargs -n 1 \
4    cosign verify -o text \
5 \
6      --certificate-oidc-issuer=


1Verification for --
2The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
3  - The cosign claims were validated
4  - Existence of the claims in the transparency log was verified offline
5  - The code-signing certificate was verified using trusted certificate authority certificates
6Certificate subject:
7Certificate issuer URL:
8{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":""},"image":{"docker-manifest-digest":"sha256:ce5f0144cf58b25fcf4027f69b7a0d616c7b72e7ff4e2a133a04a2b3c35fd7da"},"type":"cosign container image signature"},"optional":null}

Install the Knative Serving component Link to heading

  1. Install the required custom resources by running the command:
1kubectl apply -f


 1ubuntu@ubuntuVM:~$ kubectl apply -f created created created created created created created created created created created created
  1. Install the core components of Knative Serving
1kubectl apply -f


 1ubuntuVM:~$ kubectl apply -f
 2namespace/knative-serving created created created created created created created created
10serviceaccount/controller created created created created unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged
26secret/serving-certs-ctrl-ca created
27secret/knative-serving-certs created
28secret/control-serving-certs created
29secret/routing-serving-certs created created
31configmap/config-autoscaler created
32configmap/config-defaults created
33configmap/config-deployment created
34configmap/config-domain created
35configmap/config-features created
36configmap/config-gc created
37configmap/config-leader-election created
38configmap/config-logging created
39configmap/config-network created
40configmap/config-observability created
41configmap/config-tracing created
42horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/activator created
43poddisruptionbudget.policy/activator-pdb created
44deployment.apps/activator created
45service/activator-service created
46deployment.apps/autoscaler created
47service/autoscaler created
48deployment.apps/controller created
49service/controller created
50deployment.apps/domain-mapping created
51deployment.apps/domainmapping-webhook created
52service/domainmapping-webhook created
53horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/webhook created
54poddisruptionbudget.policy/webhook-pdb created
55deployment.apps/webhook created
56service/webhook created created created created
60secret/domainmapping-webhook-certs created created created
63secret/webhook-certs created

Install a networking layer Link to heading

The following instructions are for installing a networking layer. (Install Kourier and enable its Knative integration)

  1. Install the Knative Kourier controller:
1kubectl apply -f


 1ubuntuVM:~$ kubectl apply -f
 2namespace/kourier-system created
 3configmap/kourier-bootstrap created
 4configmap/config-kourier created
 5serviceaccount/net-kourier created created created
 8deployment.apps/net-kourier-controller created
 9service/net-kourier-controller created
10deployment.apps/3scale-kourier-gateway created
11service/kourier created
12service/kourier-internal created
13horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/3scale-kourier-gateway created
14poddisruptionbudget.policy/3scale-kourier-gateway-pdb created
  1. Configure Knative Serving to use Kourier by default:
1kubectl patch configmap/config-network \
2   --namespace knative-serving \
3   --type merge \
4   --patch '{"data":{"ingress-class":""}}'


1ubuntuVM:~$ kubectl patch configmap/config-network \
2   --namespace knative-serving \
3   --type merge \
4   --patch '{"data":{"ingress-class":""}}'
5configmap/config-network patched
  1. Fetch the CNAME by running the command:
1kubectl --namespace kourier-system get service kourier


1kubectl --namespace kourier-system get service kourier
2NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
3kourier   LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:30556/TCP,443:30311/TCP   110s

Verify the installation Link to heading

Verify the installation with the command:

1kubectl get pods -n knative-serving


 1ubuntuVM:~$ kubectl get pods -n knative-serving
 2NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
 3activator-86c78bb8f7-ph7h5               1/1     Running   0          4m38s
 4autoscaler-7c84b476b7-lvmr6              1/1     Running   0          4m38s
 5controller-7f594656c5-nsnpm              1/1     Running   0          4m38s
 6domain-mapping-864fb56bd6-vqpd5          1/1     Running   0          4m38s
 7domainmapping-webhook-5c969d8f6b-n4h9b   1/1     Running   0          4m37s
 8net-kourier-controller-f8d886c4d-z2vxl   1/1     Running   0          2m47s
 9webhook-5d44c4d7d9-8kznn                 1/1     Running   0          4m37s

Now let’s see some examples for knative Function and Service.

Knative Functions Link to heading

Knative Functions provides a simple programming model for enabling the deployment of Serverless functions , without requiring in-depth knowledge of Kubernetes, containers, or docker-files.

Figure 2: Knative Function architecture

Figure 2: Knative Function architecture

During the first invocation of a Knative Function, the clients send their requests to the ingress controller, which is located outside the Knative stack. The ingress controller acts as the entry point for the requests.From there, the ingress controller interacts with the activator component within the Knative stack.

The activator maintains a queue and handles the incoming requests from the clients.It then communicates with the Autoscaler, which is responsible for managing the scaling of Knative function pods.In the initial invocation, since there is no existing deployment available for the function, the Autoscaler creates a deployment file and spawns a Knative pod.

Inside the Knative pod, there is a qproxy container that plays a crucial role.The qproxy container is responsible for handling metrics, managing incoming requests, and coordinating the responses.It acts as an intermediary between the external requests and the user container where the actual user code runs.It ensures the proper flow of data and communication between the client’s request and the execution of the user code.

For subsequent invocations of the Knative Function, the process follows a similar flow.The requests from the clients continue to go through the ingress controller, which maps them to the queue-proxy controller.The queue-proxy controller, in turn, forwards the requests to the user container where the user code is executed.

Additionally, the qproxy container also collects and pushes metrics to the autoscaler.These metrics help the autoscaler in determining the appropriate scaling actions for the Knative function pods, enabling them to efficiently scale up or down based on the workload demands.

Overall, this flow illustrates how Knative Functions work, from the initial invocation to subsequent invocations, and the role of different components such as the ingress controller, activator, autoscaler, qproxy container, and user container.

Now to install Knative Functions, we execute the following commands:

1brew tap knative-sandbox/kn-plugins
3brew install func


 1ubuntuVM:~$ brew tap knative-sandbox/kn-plugins
 2Running `brew update --auto-update`...
 3==> Tapping knative-sandbox/kn-plugins
 4Cloning into '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Homebrew/Library/Taps/knative-sandbox/homebrew-kn-plugins'...
 5remote: Enumerating objects: 595, done.
 6remote: Counting objects: 100% (213/213), done.
 7remote: Compressing objects: 100% (36/36), done.
 8remote: Total 595 (delta 189), reused 192 (delta 176), pack-reused 382
 9Receiving objects: 100% (595/595), 151.20 KiB | 1.12 MiB/s, done.
10Resolving deltas: 100% (404/404), done.
11Tapped 92 formulae (120 files, 383KB).
13ubuntu@ubuntuVM:~$ brew install func
14Running `brew update --auto-update`...
15==> Fetching knative-sandbox/kn-plugins/func
16==> Downloading
17==> Downloading from
18############################################################################################################################# 100.0%
19==> Installing func from knative-sandbox/kn-plugins
20"Installing kn-func binary in /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/func/v1.11.0/bin"
21"Installing func symlink in /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/func/v1.11.0/bin"
22🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/func/v1.11.0: 4 files, 95.3MB, built in 2 seconds
23==> Running `brew cleanup func`...
24Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.
25Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).

To create a go function run:

1func create -l go knative-function-demo 

to confirm that the function was created ,check her directory

1ubuntuVM:~$ cd knative-function-demo
2ubuntu@ubuntuVM:~/knative-function-demo$ ls
3func.yaml  go.mod  handle.go  handle_test.go

Ιf modify the handle.go file like this:

 1package function
 3import (
 4        "context"
 5        "fmt"
 6        "net/http"
10// Handle an HTTP Request.
11func Handle(ctx context.Context, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
12        /*
13         * YOUR CODE HERE
14         *
15         * Try running `go test`.  Add more test as you code in `handle_test.go`.
16         */
18        fmt.Println("Received request")
19        fmt.Println(prettyPrint(req))      // echo to local output
20        fmt.Fprintf(res, prettyPrint(req)) // echo to caller
23func prettyPrint(req *http.Request) string {
25        return  " You are a demo "

and run the function (locally) with the command:

1func run ––build ––registry {registry}

if everthing goes well , the output will be:

1ubuntuVM:~/knative-function-demo$ func run --build --registry panosmavrikos
2 🙌 Function built:
3Initializing HTTP function
4listening on http port 8080
5Running on host port 8080

In a browser at http://localhost:8080 will see your function running.

1knative-function-demo$ curl http://localhost:8080
2You are a demo  

In case we want a production solution, we have to build a Container image and use it to run our function. To build the container image run the following command with your registry :

1func build ––image

To deploy our function in a production environment, execute the command:

1func ––namespace default deploy

Knative Service Link to heading

To deploy a simple service in knative make a yaml file like this:

 2kind: Service
 4  name: hello
 6  template:
 7    spec:
 8      containers:
 9        - image:
10          ports:
11            - containerPort: 8080
12          env:
13            - name: TARGET
14              value: "World"

and apply it

1kubectl apply -f hello.yaml

Output: created

View a list of Knative Services by running the command:

1kubectl get ksvc


1ubuntuVM:~$ kubectl get ksvc
2NAME    URL                                      LATESTCREATED   LATESTREADY   READY   REASON
3hello   http://hello.default.svc.cluster.local   hello-00001     hello-00001   True   

To access the Knative Service, open the previous URL in the browser or by executing the order:

1curl http://hello.default.svc.cluster.local


1Hello World!
